
Veronique Vaka, born in 1986, is an Icelandic-based Canadian cellist and composer. She studied classical cello performance at Vincent-d’Indy, and continued her studies in electro-acoustic composition at the University of Montreal. She completed a Master's degree in music composition, from the Iceland University of the Arts, under the guidance of Páll Ragnar Pálsson, Þuríður Jónsdóttir and Daníel Bjarnason. Veronique took a step towards a more abstract approach to her music when she started her research: From Landscape to Music Notation. The intention of her work is to create a poetic context between what she sees, hears and feels in the unspoiled nature, and combine it into a musical composition. Her composition style can be described as organic, with an emphasis on small details such as rhythmic, textural, and timbral elements.